Dear Family & Friends,
Look up! Lift your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh! (Luke 21:28) There are a lot of speculations for this upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th. We are sure you have heard or even felt the buzzing going around. Whether you believe it is biblical or whether you believe it is coincidental, you cannot deny the One who created the sun and the moon. Whatever the reason, there is a purpose for it. We believe if you have Jesus in your heart, you are already looking up, lifting your head, and understanding your redemption draweth nigh because it could happen at any minute of your life – like it has already for many of our loved ones who have gone before us. Brent and I have recently moved our RV to the Bastrop RV Park where we have been blessed with a shade tree, carport, storage shed and lean-to porch. One of the best parts about our location is we are .9 miles from our church with lots of potential to reach many in this RV park for Christ. This park is full of long-term residents that need a dose of Shepherd Ministries’ love. One beautiful neighbor we met is Somer Ann. Somer Ann is a missionary who has asked us for help with transporting her small RV to Dickinson, Texas. She has been called to team up with another missionary there to help with those who have missing loved ones. Please keep us in your prayers as we will transport her on Wednesday, March 27th. She has already taken us around this RV park and has introduced us to many friendly people. Passing the baton is what we call it. She has an amazing love for Christ and is a strong witness for Him. As a gift for her friendship and love to us, Brent surprised Somer Ann by power washing her RV preparing it for new beginnings. Please pray for her safety, strength, and endurance in this new chapter in her life. On Wednesday, we received a text from one of the residents we met in this RV park, her name was Alison. She asked for prayer for another couple in the RV park we had not met named Kathy & Joe. Joe is in hospice care and Kathy was not in a good way, she hasn’t been sleeping and she hadn’t been eating. Brent and I decided to pick up soup and a sandwich and immediately made our way to her RV. We introduced ourselves and listened to her share openly about her husband’s situation. We prayed with her and told her we were here if she found herself not wanting to be alone and she could call us anytime of the day. She was so grateful for our visit and has been in touch since we saw her last. Please pray for Kathy & Joe. Last Saturday, March 16, Brent was ordained a Chaplain for Heirs of Grace church. He was the first Chaplain ordained by Heirs of Grace and it was a wonderful sight to see friends come out to support Brent and be a part of this honorable event. We would like to thank the Soldiers of Christ Ministries Chaplains for their long drive in from Georgetown and San Antonio, Texas, to witness Brent’s ordination. All those who attended made it incredibly special for us both. Recently a beautiful sister in Christ named Nancy, a professional Spanish teacher, asked if she could teach me Spanish at no cost. I am so honored to have this opportunity and could not want anything more right now, especially with the border issues. What a blessing from God! I began taking lessons about a month ago and believe me when I say it is hard trying to get back into school mode after all these years. Please pray that my mind will grasp it, retain it, and rejoice in it. Thanks for your love and support, we are looking forward to our growth in this RV park and watching the Lord move. Please keep us in prayer that we will be able to touch many lives for Christ - and sooner than later, for their redemption draweth nigh! In Faith, Hope & Love, Chaplain Brent & Laura Jones “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.” Deuteronomy 28:6-10 P.S. – See pictures attached.
AuthorShepherd Ministries of Central Texas Archives
August 2024